The Funniest Chris Brown & Drake Fight Reactions & Twitter Memes (PHOTOS)
Soooo, hear any interesting news today, guys?
Oh, yeah, how about Chris Brown and Drake reportedly sharing some love in the club last night at WIP in New York City.
Yes, last night's fight between Drake's entourage and Chris Brown's entourage, where bottles were thrown, a club was ruined and a superstar was hit, was the talk of the Twitter-universe this morning.
BURY DA BEEF! Chris Brown and Drake Fight In New York
Over the last seven hours or so, we've seen every Twitter hasthtag from #Drakeandchrisbrownfightplaylist, #Drakerantothebathroombecause and #Rihannasbox.
Chris Brown and Drake Fight Pictures: Before, During And After
So to cover every single inch of this story, we went through Twitter to find the funniest photos and tweets about what really went down last night.
Check em out!

Well, there it is, folks. Straight from the man's chin.

A #TeamBreezy vs. #TeamDrizzy would be the worst conflict since the war in Iraq.

Appropriate song for the occasion, we thinks.

Reportedly, Drunk Barney was on the scene when this went down.

All we have to say is LOL.

“Look light, but we heavy though…”

We think HitFix editor Katie Hasty sums up last night’s incident quite nicely.

Apparently, a winner has been decided. And speaking of #RihannasBox…

Ohhh, OK, OK we get it now.

We feel ya, brah. We don't get it either.

What's with all of these pillow jokes, though? THEY'RE THROWING BOTTLES OUT HERE, FOOLS.

Just in case you were wondering where 2 Chainz was when all of this went down...

Where was RiRI's people when all of this down?

That YOLO can be lethal.

We agree. It's a epidemic out there.

Hmmm, interesting theory put up by Grantland writer, Rembert Browne.

Low blow, Kattt. Looooow blooooow.

Seems a little harsh, sir broosk.

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